Meet Anthonette from Nigeria who has explored an Alberta education in the program of Information Systems Assurance Management (MISAM).
Explain your experience of coming to Alberta. Why did you choose Alberta?
When I decided to further my education and get a master's degree in Canada, I chose Alberta because it felt less crowded than Ontario (a lot of people from my country live in Toronto). I was a bit worried about how cold it is in Alberta, considering that we experience a warm (even hot) temperature year-round in Nigeria. Thankfully, the winter has not been as bad as I had expected. I had hoped to integrate and make new friends from varying cultures - and it is happening.
Why did you choose your program of study? Why are you passionate about it?
Making a career change and the desire to contribute to the growing need for information system professionals were my greatest pushes.
It cannot be put into words, but I have experienced a home away from home and will encourage anyone who wants to study away from their country to try Alberta.
What has been your experience with your professors and instructors? Have they been easy to approach and helpful in answering your questions?
It has been an awesome experience. The professors and instructors are very helpful and encourage you to approach them with whatever concerns you may have.
Briefly, what has been your experience in Alberta? What have you enjoyed about living in Alberta?
I discovered that people in Alberta (well, here in Edmonton) are generally receptive and open. I am usually conservative when it comes to food, but I am learning to cook and eat Canadian dishes. I have been focused on my studies but hope to travel more around the province soon, so I can see more of the beautiful places I have heard about. Banff is amazing, by the way.
Why do you think students should study in Alberta?
As a matter of fact, I have suggested this to a number of my friends and relations. Alberta is a welcoming place.