Meet Daniel from Mexico who has explored an Alberta education in the program of Technology Management.
Explain your experience of coming to Alberta. Why did you choose Alberta?
I chose Alberta because someone told me this is the place for opportunities. There are a lot of opportunities and also quality of life! I remember it was minus 28 degrees Celsius, and I was like, “Oh my God”! But it was nice. It was like an adventure for me.
Why did you choose your program of study? Why are you passionate about it?
I chose my program because I wanted to know more about management, and at the same time, I did not want to stop studying information technology (IT). So, Technology Management was the perfect opportunity for me. Also, I think it is a way to change the world!
My first day here was a shock for me, because I had never seen that much snow in my life.
Briefly, what has been your experience in Alberta? What have you enjoyed about living in Alberta?
The river valley in Edmonton is my favorite place in the world! I also like the diversity here, and the people I have met.
Why do you think students should study in Alberta?
Alberta provides a good opportunity to develop your skills. There is this mix of industries and schools that is really helpful. You get a lot of experience while you study.